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(5 POINTS) 1. a) What is the principle of codetermination?
1. b) What, if any, is the basis under the Constitution for adopting it?
Co-determination (also: codetermination) is a practice whereby the employees have a role in management of a company. Codetermination rights are different in different legal environments. In some countries, like the USA, the workers have virtually no role in management of companies, and in some, like Germany, their role is very important. There is a lot of controversy on co-determination and its effects on performance of companies and economies.
co-determination A translation of the German term mitbestimmung which refers to the form of workers' participation in management practised in Germany since 1951.
The principle of co-determination states that it is a joint responsibility of the employer and the employee to establish terms and conditions of employment. In establishing such terms and conditions of employment, the employer and the employee must take into consideration existing laws and regulations.
The basis for the principle of codetermination is Paragraph 3, Section 3 of Art XIII of the Constitution which states, in part, that the State shall promote the principle of shared responsibility between workers and employers.
Co-determination (also: codetermination) is a practice whereby the employees have a role in management of a company. Codetermination rights are different in different legal environments. In some countries, like the USA, the workers have virtually no role in management of companies, and in some, like Germany, their role is very important. There is a lot of controversy on co-determination and its effects on performance of companies and economies.
co-determination A translation of the German term mitbestimmung which refers to the form of workers' participation in management practised in Germany since 1951.
The principle of co-determination states that it is a joint responsibility of the employer and the employee to establish terms and conditions of employment. In establishing such terms and conditions of employment, the employer and the employee must take into consideration existing laws and regulations.
The basis for the principle of codetermination is Paragraph 3, Section 3 of Art XIII of the Constitution which states, in part, that the State shall promote the principle of shared responsibility between workers and employers.
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